Experience the dynamic world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), a full-contact combat sport also known as cage fighting or ultimate fighting. Led by Instructor Andy Wilson, a seasoned Pro Fighter with decades of martial arts expertise and qualifications, our classes provide an unparalleled learning environment. Andy’s breakdown of techniques caters to students’ understanding of this multifaceted sport. Beginners are welcome at any class every Monday and Wednesday at 7.30-8.30pm.

MMA encompasses an electrifying fusion of striking and grappling techniques, whether executed from standing, seated, or ground positions. Our MMA workouts promise an exhilarating session filled with fun, offering a comprehensive learning experience covering various skills and drills. For those with exceptional talent, MMA might even pave the way to a fulfilling career.

Curious and eager to give it a shot? No need to hesitate – beginners are always welcome! Visit our onsite shop for a range of quality MMA gear, and if you’re looking for personalised guidance, Andy provides Personal Training sessions most days at the Wossobama Gym. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and embark on your MMA journey today.

Find Out More

Contact Andy by call or text directly on 07734 969919

WestCoast MMA


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